Contact Us Now: (509) 483-9363 Facebook Link Patient Portal


Four Convenient Locations

North Office and Northwest Surgery Center

North Office

123 W. Francis Suite Suite #101
Spokane , WA 99205
(509) 483-9363
(509) 483-0355

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South Office

North Office

4102 S. Regal Suite #102
Spokane , WA 99223
(509) 535-3130
(509) 535-3199

Set An Appointment

Valley Office


606 N. Pines Rd Suite #101
Spokane , WA 99206
(509) 921-0971
(509) 893-0540

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Deer Park Office


Deer Park
Seeing Patients Out Of:
Pioneer Family Medicine
20 E J St.
Deer Park, WA 99006
(509) 483-9363

*Located right behind subway.

Set An Appointment


We know you have many choices when choosing a healthcare specialist. We strive to be convenient and efficient, and our goal is to see patients as soon as possible. If, for any reason, you cannot keep a scheduled appointment or will be delayed, please call as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment call 509-483-9363.

Four Convenient Locations

Location Marker

Northside, Spokane
123 W. Francis
(509) 483-9363
FAX: (509) 483-0355
Monday to Friday 8AM to 5PM

Location Marker

South Hill, Spokane
4102 S. Regal #102
(509) 535-3130
FAX: (509) 535-3199

Location Marker

Spokane Valley
606 N. Pines Rd
(509) 921-0971
FAX: (509) 893-0540